Manage your BCH
with NOW Wallet

Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash
100 BCH
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Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash
100 BCH

How it works

We have a number of benefits that will improve management of your Bitcoin Cash wallet
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How to buy Bitcoin Cash with card

You can buy BCH with a debit or credit card through NOW Wallet:
  • Pick BCH as the currency you want to buy.
  • Choose a fiat currency to buy BCH with.
  • Enter your card details and the recipient's address if you are sending to a third-party wallet.
  • Receive your BCH in approximately 5 mins!
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How to exchange Bitcoin Cash

You can exchange BCH with NOW Wallet:
  • Pick BCH as the currency you want to exchange.
  • Choose the crypto asset you’d like to get for your BCH.
  • Enter the recipient's address if you are exchanging to a third-party wallet.
  • Receive your exchanged assets in approximately 5 mins!
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What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash was launched in 2017 as a fork of a well-known cryptocurrency — Bitcoin. It appeared when the Bitcoin project and its community split into two due to concerns over scalability in its blockchain. The split caused a hard fork in the said chain, creating BCH. It offers the same principal features as Bitcoin, but with greater potential for scalability in its blockchain network.

Bitcoin Cash enables a larger block size that allows more transactions per second to take place, decreasing transaction fees. After the fork, its block size grew from 1MB to 8MB. Over the years, it has also incorporated new features such as facilitating developers to create new tokens on its blockchain.

BCH possesses the same amount of token supply as Bitcoin — 21 million. However, through halvings, the new BCH appearing on the market will gradually decline over time. Bitcoin Cash is used for payments between individuals, paying merchants for goods and services, and even micro-transactions such as tipping.

In October of 2021, its block size reached 32MB, making BCH even more suitable for everyday life usage.